Coppi e-bike

Discover the power of cutting-edge technology, bold design and the breathtaking performances of our Coppi e-bikes.



ciclovia spoleto assisi

Spoleto - Assisi

A cycle path that winds through Valle Umbra, passing from Spoleto to Assisi, is the perfect excuse for a fine ride on your favourite Coppi e-bike!

ciclovia via verde

Green Way of the Trabocchi-fishing platforms

The Via Verde is a cycling route on the Adriatic coast surrounded by the nature of the Trabocchi Coast. With its 42 kilometres and just metres away from the sea, it offers breathtaking panoramas and accommodations such as hotels or bed & breakfast facilities for a comprehensive experience.

Fausto Coppi

The Champion of Champions

He was born in Castellania (Alessandria) on 15 September 1919, the fourth son (the fifth, Serse, would be born in 1923) of Domenico and Angiolina Boveri, owners of a modest plot of land where maize and vines were farmed, barely enough to support the family. Having attended primary schools with little success, he did not want to “serve out his time clinging to a clump of soil” like his fellow villagers, who “ate bread and spit to buy more land, expand their landholdings, make up for too many births”. Preferring to learn a trade, at the age of thirteen he moved to nearby Novi Ligure to work as an apprentice at a delicatessen, where he intended to learn pork processing. Commuting by bicycle often between Novi and Castellania, he felt his passion for cycling growing, already nurtured by hearing the adults in the farmyard of his father’s house describing the feats of Girardengo, Novi’s Champion of Champions.

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